Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Artist Profile: Susie Monday

Susie Monday
Pipe Creek, Texas

1,  What year did you make your first quilt?  Must have been about 1995 -- when Sue Benner did a workshop at the Southwest School of Art and Craft!  Traditional or art? self-portrait art

2.  What is the first show, and year, that you ever entered your art quilts? Fiber Artists of San Antonio annual exhibition, about  1995, or the Southwest School of Art and Craft , same year. Venue? Witte Museum, and the Southwest School of Art Navarro gallery

3.  What is your artistic style? Narrative, expressive, eclectic

4.  Have you ever changed your style from when you started making quilts? no

5.  What other style in quilt making piques your interest? abstract

6.  What other medium in art influences your work as a fiber artist? All of them, but particularly folk art paintings and sculpture, as well as Mexican artists such as Morelos and Kahlo

7.  What do you have coming up?  Shows, Articles in magazines, Books, etc.   Work in Exhibits at Kerr Arts and Cultural Center in Kerrville, TX, and Bihl House in San Antonio, as well as SAQA exhibits in BIrmingham, Long Beach and Houston at the International Quilt Festival. I'll have work in an upcoming book by Lesley Riley, and an article in the Quilting Arts Holiday Gifts issue.

8.  Where will your art take you from here? I'd LOVE to teach on a cruise ship or at an international school -- of course, I haven't yet applied anywhere... I'm trying this year to enter as many exhibits as possible, just to push my productivity and see where that takes me!

9.  Describe your studio space: The studio of my dreams, rapidly filling up with fabric! I have an entire small house next to my residence that is just the right size for teaching the kind of small group art retreats that I love to host, and just the right size for me to completely turn into chaos, without it taking me more than a day to put it all back. 

10. What was the biggest challenge you have encountered in the making of your art quilt for "An Exquisite Moment?" The biggest issue so far is that I could have sold it three times already! I guess I need to work on a series. I think the theme really strikes a chord with people.

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