Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Artist Profile: Diane Perin Hock

Diane Perin Hock
Healdsburg, California

1. What other ideas for this theme "rituals" did you have?  Reading to my daughter at bedtime; my family's dinnertime ritual of sharing three good things we each experienced during the day; writing in my journal.

2.  Are you involved in any community or group projects where you donate your work?  if yes, what project or projects?   I make several quilts each year for donation to the Valley of the Moon Children's Home, a 24-hour emergency shelter for abused, abandoned, and neglected children in Northern California.  All of the children who come into the shelter get to choose a quilt, which they then take with them when they leave.  I love being able to add a bit of comfort and color to a child at a dark time.  Every once in a while I get on a crocheting kick, and I make baby blankets for donation to Project Linus. 
3.  Do you belong to a small group of like-minded artists?  yes/no  name/where  what is the best part of being part of an art group?   I'm a member of the Twelve by Twelve International Art Quilt Challenge group, whose members include Terry Grant, Karen Rips, Deborah Boschert, and Gerrie Congdon who also have work in this exhibit.  It has been a wonderful adventure, but the best parts for me have been being inspired and pushed creatively, and the friendships I've developed through our process.

4.  Are you a member of a professional art organization, such as SAQA?  Have you ever held a volunteer position in the organization, and if so, what?  I am a member of SAQA but so far I have not held a position in the organization. 

5.  What is your favorite palette of colors that you use in your work?  name 5 and your least favorite colors?
I am drawn toward bright colors and often include bright red, cheddar yellow, fuchsia pink, turquoise, and purple in my pieces.  Muddy olive greens and browns are probably my least favorite colors, but I'm trying to push myself to make friends with them. 

6.  Describe your creative work space in 20 words or less.  are you messy or tidy? Small.  Cluttered.  Overflowing.  Jumbly.  Too many supplies for too many activities competing for too little space.

7.  What is your creative process?  think, draw, design, make or right to the design? My creative process varies.  Usually I begin with word associations, lists and thoughts about where I want to go, and during that part of the process I make very rough, doodly sketches.  Most often I move to more organized drawings before diving into fabric, but sometimes I go from the idea to the fabric and start playing. 

8.   Is there a particular object or shape that shows up repeatedly in your work?  Why? There aren't specific images or shapes that recur, but I do find that my work usually has a more graphic sense to it.

9.   If you had to choose a favorite artist from another media, who would it be, and why?  It's not possible for me to choose ONE favorite, but certainly one among my favorites is Gustav Klimt.  I'm drawn to his use of pattern and visual texture.

10.  Have you written a book related to Art Quilts and Quilting or have an instructional DVD?  If so, can you tell us the title or titles?   I am one of the authors of Twelve by Twelve: The International Art Quilt Challenge

11.  Do you make art full time?   If you have another career, would you describe what you do? and how you incorporate art into your life? 
I am an attorney with a wonderfully flexible work-from-home arrangement.  I primarily research and write appellate briefs and other legal pleadings for a general litigation practice.  Art -- which for me involves not just fiber art, but also photography, drawing, collage, and watercolor painting -- keeps my eyes open and my creative spirit connected to daily life.  I tend to get very cranky if I do not do something creative each day.

12.  What is your most thrilling news to date in relation to your art quilt life?  The publication of the Twelve by Twelve book, and the reception the Twelve by Twelve quilts have received as they have toured through Australia, New Zealand, Europe, and the US has been tremendously exciting and satisfying.  Having my piece accepted into the Rituals exhibit among pieces by many of the quilt artists I admire is a big thrill!  My newest excitement is that I am involved in teaching a course that trains quilt judges, to educate them about art quilts and art principles as they apply to fiber art entered into quilt shows.  I'm very excited about helping to educate quilt judges to understand that art quilts should not necessarily be evaluated by traditional quilt standards.

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