Saturday, 6 November 2010

Festival in Houston - BTS Dinner

Dinner at Eight in the glass room at Spencer's Steakhouse in the Hilton Americas.  Beautiful table in a private room. Friday, November 5, 2010.  A lovely evening with some of the artists that were at Festival.  We missed Jane Davila and Kathy York, who could not come to the dinner, but were at Festival.

Left to right - BTS artist Jane LaFazio and her friend Paula Elliott, BTS artists Sarah Ann Smith, Deborah Boschert, Linda T. Minton

BTS artists - Frances Holliday Alford, Rachel Parris and Jamie Fingal

BTS artists Sarah Ann Smith, Deborah Boschert and Linda T. Minton

Leslie at the head of the table.  Book signings in progress.

Jane LaFazio and Paula Elliott

Nina and Judy Perez

Melly Testa dropped by for a visit with Leslie Tucker Jenison

Barb Forrister and Frances Holliday Alford

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