Sunday, 7 November 2010

BTS Artists in Houston

Judy Coates Perez in Open Studios
Jane LaFazio and Jane Davila (photo taken by Judy Perez)
In MIU - Leslie Tucker Jenison, Jamie Fingal, Kathy York and Rachel Parris

In front of the MIU ATC Trading Post - Leslie Tucker Jenison, Judy Coates Perez, Pokey Bolton and Jamie Fingal

Leslie Tucker Jenison, Jane LaFazio and Jamie Fingal
Linda Minton

Jane LaFazio
Sarah Ann Smith; she is holding up her phone with the photograph that she made the quilt from

Rachel Parris

Frances Holliday Alford

Kathy York; her BTS quilt on the cover of the current issue of Quilting Arts Magazine and she made it into a tote bag!

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