Wednesday 18 May 2011

Julie Schlueter - Orange, CA

1.  What do you call yourself - art wise?  Quilt Artist, Fiber Artist
2.  How do you jump start your creativity when you are in a slump?  When I'm in a slump, need a quick pick-me-up or just can't sleep, I play with fabric.  Being in my studio and putting different colors and textures together is soothing.  I may never make the quilt of the fabrics I manipulate and lay out together at that time, but it's a wonderful possibility and my mind loves to dream it. 
3.  If money wasn't an issue, what would you do with your art?   If money was not an issue I would get a studio separate from the house so I could dye and dye and dye (and paint) fabric, and rust more fabric.  I would make more art quilts and take classes from the masters I admire so much.
4.  Do you keep a sketchbook, journal, etc.?   I have a few random sketchbooks around the house, near my bed, in my studio.  Sometimes I sketch, sometimes I forget.  It is nice to look through them and see where I was and get re-inspired all over again.
5.  Where can people see your other work this year?  shows, books, magazines, etc.  My quilt "Flamenco" is in the book "500 Art Quilts."  My piece “Pidgeonholded” is traveling with a Quilts on the Wall exhibit "Discovery" -Denver National Quilt Festival April 28 to May 1, 2011 and at the Flying Geese Quilt Guild Show, Soka University, October 1-2, 2011. My piece "Guitar Hero" is traveling with the "Bridges" exhibit which will premier at IQF Long Beach in July 2011, then go on to Pennsylvania National Quilt extravaganza September 15-18, 2011. 
Also, “Reinvent the Wheel” in the "Journeys" exhibit - Pennsylvania National Quilt Extravaganza in September 15-18, 2011. 
6.  Do you teach?  where?   I do not teach, but so admire those who do.
7.  Is there a particular artist who had influenced you in your art life? and why?  When I began art quilting I was inspired by the work of Michael James, Ruth McDowell and Nancy Crow.  Among others, I have added Jane Dunnewold.  Her work is inspirational and I feel more creative just being in the same room with her and hearing her speak.
8. Where or what show do you hope your work will be in someday?   I would love to be in Visions and Quilt National.  Those are the pinnacle.
9.  Describe your studio workspace.   My workspace is small, but effective.  I have as much visible as I can, fabric, thread, embellishments.  If I can see it, I use it.  If it's tucked away, I forget.   Like many others, I spill out into my house.  I design large quilts in my living room and quilt large quilts on my kitchen table.  I photograph my quilts on the wall behind the front door.  When I need to get the "10-20 foot away" view I put my quilt on the floor near the kitchen table, run upstairs and lean over the bannister to see if my quilt is aesthetically pleasing.
10.  What 3 tools could you not live without?  I could not create the fiber art that I make without my scissors and iron and sewing machine. 
11.  What drives you to make the work that you do?   I love to have the "aha" moments.  Sometimes I have a picture in my mind of how the quilt will look when it's finished.  Sometimes I am pleasantly surprised it's better than imagined and sometimes I am disappointed.  My favorite quilts and best work unfold as I am working on them.  My last two quilts, I made significant changes after I put the binding on because that changed the look so dramatically.
12.  How do you balance your life?  Very carefully...everything in moderation.  My day job is deadline oriented so there are times throughout the month I need to focus almost completely on work.  When the deadline is past and I can come up for air, I enjoy my family and friends, then continue creating.  It's an ebb and flow.

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