Friday, 12 July 2013

Artist Profile: Frances Holliday Alford

Frances Holliday Alford
Grafton, Vermont

1.  What year did you make your first quilt?    Traditional or art?  1986.  It was quasi-traditional.  Cut "blooming" squares, alternating squares of dark and light blue.  I still use it.

2.  What is the first show, and year, that you ever entered your art quilts?  Venue?  The International Quilt Festival in Houston.  1996

3.  What is your artistic style?  Multi-media, brave colors, unexpected elements, humor and innovation.

4.  Have you ever changed your style from when you started making quilts?  It shifts all the time.  I like to try different mediums, different techniques.  But, eventually they look like I made them.

5.  What other style in quilt making piques your interest?  Modern Quilt Guild, old crazy quilts, postage stamp quilts.

6.  What other medium in art influences your work as a fiber artist?  Sculpture, Outsider Art, Old Masters, Collage.

7.  What do you have coming up?  Shows, Articles in magazines, Books, etc.  IQA Houston - Celebrate Spring!

8.  Where will your art take you from here?  It keeps me in the community of wonderful artists.  It gives me something to keep me moving forward personally, physically, and spiritually.  I want to make art for the rest of my life.

9.  Describe your studio space:  I rent a converted two story barn several blocks from my house.  The sewing and design are all upstairs in one big room.  Downstairs, I have a collage room, an office and a kitchen.  I have decided it would be nice to work at home so am considering a remodeling job to make that work.

10. What was the biggest challenge you have encountered in the making of your art quilt for "An Exquisite Moment?"  The biggest challenge was to think of the perfect exquisite moment.  I finally decided that I would follow Rachel Parris' lead and use a simple pleasure.  As a child, finding passion flowers growing wild behind our house was a spectacular moment for me.  

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