Friday, 29 July 2011

Scenes From Our Workshops in Long Beach (Part 1)

"Musical Chairs:  A Painted Canvas Adventure"
Our day-long workshop in Long Beach CA was small, but mighty!  Our students created 2 wonderfully colorful canvases, which were subsequently divided into smaller sections.  Since we have learned through experience that people fall in love with certain areas (those boyfriends) we turn the sections face-down, mix them up, and each student selects the pieces.
After the canvas section are selected the group settles into the 2nd phase of the workshop:  working into the painted canvas with markers, cutting shapes and sections, and creating amazing cards, journal covers, and ATCs from their customized canvas.  The results were amazing!  Take a look:
students in the initial stages of painting the gessoed canvas..

the canvas evolves...

a second canvas, with a distinct personality!

students gather around a work table to share markers, glue,
and stories

creating postcards and memories

what will this be?

A few of the finished postcards, stamped, and ready to be mailed to their makers
as a memory of the day we shared!

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