Tuesday, 28 December 2010

The Quilt Show with Guest Quilting Legend Yvonne Porcella

Grab yourself a pot of tea or coffee and sit down and watch this exclusive interview with Yvonne Porcella, Ricky Tims and Alex Anderson inside Yvonne's amazing art studio.  You can join for the month of December to watch this episode.  It is long, but you will want to watch it in its entirety.  Click on this link to get to the website

Monday, 6 December 2010

Quilting Arts TV - Series 700

The newest DVD for the Quilting Arts TV Series 700 is available for pre-order; Beneath the Surface artists who are guests in this series are listed below

Series 700 Episodes 1–13
Episode 701:  Jeannie Palmer Moore shows how she stitches first, then paints with water-soluble crayons Leslie Tucker Jenison and Jamie Fingal introduce a quilt exhibit and share tips for shipping quilts
Episode 702:  Tea bags as imagery for mixed-media art quilts with Judy Coates Perez
Episode 704:  Hanging sleeve how-to with Leslie Tucker Jenison
Episode 705:  Screen printing using dye and facial cloths with Leslie Tucker Jenison
Episode 706: Save my UFO with Pokey and Leslie Tucker Jenison
Episode 707: Free-motion zigzag stitching and zippers with Jamie Fingal 
Episode 709: Save My UFO with Pokey and Judy Coates Perez
Episode 710:  Judy Coates Perez uses oil paint to create and enhance imagery on fabric for art quilts
Episode 713:  Art quilts that incorporate zippers with Jamie Fingal
You can pre-order your DVD today

Saturday, 4 December 2010

Terry Grant's piece published!

Terry Grant's piece from Beneath the Surface is featured in "The Quilter Magazine" in an article about the International Quilt Festival in Long Beach 2010

Sunday, 7 November 2010

BTS Artists in Houston

Judy Coates Perez in Open Studios
Jane LaFazio and Jane Davila (photo taken by Judy Perez)
In MIU - Leslie Tucker Jenison, Jamie Fingal, Kathy York and Rachel Parris

In front of the MIU ATC Trading Post - Leslie Tucker Jenison, Judy Coates Perez, Pokey Bolton and Jamie Fingal

Leslie Tucker Jenison, Jane LaFazio and Jamie Fingal
Linda Minton

Jane LaFazio
Sarah Ann Smith; she is holding up her phone with the photograph that she made the quilt from

Rachel Parris

Frances Holliday Alford

Kathy York; her BTS quilt on the cover of the current issue of Quilting Arts Magazine and she made it into a tote bag!

Beneath the Surface in Houston 2010

The sign for our exhibit in Houston.  This is a "no photography exhibit" because there is a book.  See the right hand column on where to order one.  There are close ups of some of the quilts on the Quilts, Inc website under special exhibits.  Click here to view
L-R is Cindy Cooksey, Natalya Aikens, Jane Davila, Susie Monday, Deb Boschert, Phyllis Campbell and Jane LaFazio
L-R is Paula Chung, Joanell Connolly, Jeannie Moore and Loris Bogue

L-R is Desiree Habicht, Karen Rips, Virginia Spiegel, Terry Waldron, Judy Coates Perez and Carolyn Ryan

L-R is Frances Holliday Alford, Barb Forrister, Peggy Calvert, Wen Redmond, Jayne Larson and Muna Elias

L-R is Pamela Klebaum, Sherry Kleinman, Cynthia St. Charles and Linda T. Minton

L-R is Sarah Ann Smith, Karen Stiehl Osborn, Terry Grant and Gerrie Congdon

L-R is Rachel Parris, Yvonne Porcella, Ann Turley and Kathy York

Jamie Fingal and Leslie Tucker Jenison AND now the exhibit is bound for the International Quilt Festival in Cincinnati in the Spring of 2011

Saturday, 6 November 2010

Festival in Houston - BTS Dinner

Dinner at Eight in the glass room at Spencer's Steakhouse in the Hilton Americas.  Beautiful table in a private room. Friday, November 5, 2010.  A lovely evening with some of the artists that were at Festival.  We missed Jane Davila and Kathy York, who could not come to the dinner, but were at Festival.

Left to right - BTS artist Jane LaFazio and her friend Paula Elliott, BTS artists Sarah Ann Smith, Deborah Boschert, Linda T. Minton

BTS artists - Frances Holliday Alford, Rachel Parris and Jamie Fingal

BTS artists Sarah Ann Smith, Deborah Boschert and Linda T. Minton

Leslie at the head of the table.  Book signings in progress.

Jane LaFazio and Paula Elliott

Nina and Judy Perez

Melly Testa dropped by for a visit with Leslie Tucker Jenison

Barb Forrister and Frances Holliday Alford

Friday, 15 October 2010

International Quilt Festival in Houston

"Beneath the Surface" special exhibit will be shown at the International Quilt Festival in Houston - Nov 3-7th and is sponsored by Attached, Inc (Mistyfuse, Transdoodle, Goddess Sheet). Leslie Tucker Jenison and Jamie Fingal will be in the exhibit on Preview Night from 5:00-6:00pm. The exhibition catalog/art book has been compiled by artist-participant Loris Bogue.  The amazing cover concept was designed by Suzanne Staud. We will be selling the books at the show, or you can buy it on Blurb.com See the ordering button in the right column to get your own copy of the Beneath the Surface book showcasing 37 artists profiles and their work.
What we are ALL involved in at Festival - pretty amazing!
World of Beauty
Jamie Fingal - abstract small
Jamie Fingal - digital imagery
Sherry Kleinman - painted surface category
Sarah Ann Smith - miniature
Kathy York - digital imagery
Frances Holliday Alford & Leslie Tucker Jenison - mixed technique
Frances Holliday Alford, Barb Forrister, Leslie Tucker Jenison, Kathy York - group quilt
Tactile Architecture
Deborah Boschert
Cynthia St. Charles
Text on Textiles
Barb Forrister
Cynthia St. Charles (2)
West Coast Wonders
Barb Forrister
Sherry Kleinman
Terry Waldron
500 Art Quilts
Jamie Fingal
Yvonne Porcella (3)
Virginia Spiegel
Terry Waldron
Kathy York (2)
Eye of the Quilter
Frances Hollilday Alford
Leslie Tucker Jenison (2) 
Sarah Ann Smith
Virginia Spiegel
SAQA: The Creative Force
Virginia Spiegel
Leslie Tucker Jenison
SAQA: Sightlines
Virginia Spiegel, curator

SAQA Booth
Thurs 1-3pm Barb Forrister
Sat 2-4pm Barb Forrister
5-7pm Deborah Boschert
IQA Auction
Jamie Fingal
Mistyfuse booth - Demos
Sarah Ann Smith
Alzheimers Art Quilt Initiative Auction
Barb Forrister

MAKE-IT-UNIVERSITY in the Vendor area
Thur, Nov 4th
12:00-1:00pm - Jane Davila; Gyotaku ATC's
6:00-7:00pm - Jane LaFazio; Stitching by Hand
Fri, Nov 5th
12:00-1:00pm - Jane Davila: Gyotaki ATC's
1:30-2:30pm -Jamie Fingal/Leslie Jenison; Rootin'Tootin' Cowgirl Scissor Holster
Sat, Nov 6th
11:45-12:45 - Jane LaFazio; Rubbings with Paintsticks
1:15-2:15pm - Jamie Fingal/Leslie Jenison; Texas Hold'em Apron
2:45-3:45pm - Judy Perez; Origami Pop Up Book
Sun, Nov 7th
11:30-12:30pm - Deborah Boschert; Painted Paint Chip Mini-Journal
1:00-2:00pm - Jamie Fingal/Leslie Jenison; Texas Hold'em Apron

OPEN STUDIOS in Make-It-University
Thur, Nov 4th
10:30-12:30pm - Jamie Fingal and Leslie Jenison
Fri, Nov 5th
10;30-12:30pm - Jamie Fingal and Leslie Jenison
12:40-2:40pm - Judy Perez and Sarah Ann Smith
5:00-7:00pm - Jane LaFazio
Sat, Nov 6th
10:00-Noon - Judy Perez
12:00-2:00pm - Barb Forrister and Deborah Boschert
Sun, Nov 7th
2:00-4:00pm - Kathy York

Festival Faculty
Judy Perez - Tsukineko Inks - Tues, Nov 2nd - FULL
and Color Theory - Wed, Nov 3rd - FULL
Mixed Media Miscellany - Thurs, Nov 4th - 2-4pm

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Beneath The Surface catalog donated to Virginia Spiegel's fundraising event

Beneath The Surface artist Virginia Spiegel is known for many things, among them her wonderful art and her generous heart!
Each year in honor of her birthday Virginia offers a number of items in a drawing to benefit the American Cancer Society. (You may remember the enormous amount of money she raised by spearheading Fiberart For A Cause).
Dinner At Eight Artists are donating a Beneath The Surface exhibition catalog for the event. This is a unique art book specifically about the exhibit, "Beneath The Surface" complete with art quilt photographs and insights into all 37 artists.
Be sure to check out our exhibition next month at the International Quilt Festival in Houston TX between 11/3 and 11/7/10 at the George R Brown Convention Center. The exhibition book was compiled by artist-participant Loris Bogue.

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Quilting Arts Magazine - October/November 2010

Quilting Arts - bold & daring QUILTS

Pamela Price Klebaum
Desiree Habicht
Karen Rips
Kathy York
Jamie Fingal

Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Quilting Arts TV - Season 7

Jamie Fingal and Leslie Tucker Jenison were in Cleveland August 30/31 to tape a few segments for Quilting Arts TV - Series 7. Pokey Bolton is on the left. The first segment of the season #701, at the tail end of the show will feature a blurb about shipping quilts and the exhibit Beneath the Surface. We are very thankful and excited that our exhibit will be featured. The DVD will come out in January of 2011. Five art quilts will be shown very quickly. They are made by Kathy York, Pam Klebaum, Desiree Habicht, Karen Rips, and Jamie Fingal.

Monday, 9 August 2010

Festival Overview on-line

On the Quilts, Inc website, there is an overview of special exhibits at Festival in Long Beach,  by Rhianna White.  See the one for  Beneath the Surface, and then click on this link to see the videos by Bonnie McCaffrey
Luana Rubin of eQuilter has done a VidCast about Festival in Long Beach
and Beneath the Surface, talking about the following quilts - Pam Klebaum, Rachel Parris, Linda Minton and Kathy York

Saturday, 24 July 2010

Our exhibit

The view from the rear of our exhibit - art quilts on both sides
Front of the exhibit

BTS on the right, and SAQA on the left
Middle of exhibit